A review by zouinthewild
Witch Is When Life Got Complicated by Adele Abbott


This is the second book in the witch PI series.

I enjoyed the first book immensely, though it completely lacked for diversity (I don’t consider different supernaturals as diversity). This book was no different.

Although I’ve spotted a few loopholes and inconsistencies in the magic system, the plot was stronger in this book than in the first, and I appreciated the interplay of the supernatural characters more. The introduction of super sups is fun and might lead to some interesting plot lines as well.

HOWEVER, the MC’s sister (non-sup) is a horrid character and I can’t stand reading 90% of their interactions. She is a bully, and treats her sister like a vending machine of treats for her children. BeanieGate almost made me stop reading the book. And I get it. It’s supposed to be the older sister pushing her younger sister to expand out of her comfort zone, but literally EVERYTHING she does is a manipulation to get the MC to do something she doesn’t want to do. The MC doesn’t have consistent spine in standing up to her manipulators (Mrs. V isn’t much better, nor Winky), but the sister is the worst by far and makes me very frustrated.

I also can’t tell if this is HP fan fic. Lots of similarities.