A review by bookishnerdyandcurious
The Bangover by Lili Valente


I accidentally stumbled upon the prequel ([b: Friends With BANG-i-fits|47902260|Friends With BANG-i-fits|Lili Valente|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1566720145l/47902260._SX50_.jpg|73056086]) for this book as an audio extra on the [b: Hitched|23150730|Hitched (Hitched #1)|Alex Lux|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1431883792l/23150730._SY75_.jpg|42698414] audiobook and fell in love with the novella about these two friends who start to realize their relationship is changing, but ultimately do what's best for them at the time. I was so gutted when it ended, not just because I love me a good HEA (that novella was definitely a HFN), but because I wanted more. The end hinted at an event that would take place three years later... but I had no clue that meant there was a book coming out. If I had stopped to think about it, I might have looked it up, heh. When this book came up in my Kindle recommendations, I clicked to look at it because it's a Lili Valente book - and aside from that one book that was put in time out for 4 weeks (it eventually was fine), Lili has never let me down. She's that one-click author for me - I don't care if something is available in KU, I want to own it. (This is not available in KU, but it's a good example.) Reading the blurb, I realized that this was the follow-up to the novella I haven't been able to get out of my head and immediately preordered it!

Kirby and Colin have been friends since high school. Kirby has grown up to become a popular horror author with a fan following of a series that she's just ended and some of those fans are. Not. Happy. Colin is the lead singer of a rock band and he's suffering from some serious writers block. His band has got to put out their third album and he can't come up with anything. No inspiration at all. In a drunken night hanging out at Kirby's place he decides that he needs to be celibate to write... but that he should have one last bang-filled week before he buckles down. Kirby admits that she hasn't been with anyone since her last relationship ended months before and they drunkenly decide that they're going to Vegas to change their relationship to friends who bang. The problem? They both have been harboring feelings for each other for years - will the friends who bang situation work? Especially when Colin's ex shows up at the hotel, determined to hook him again? When Kirby goes missing, will Colin admit his feelings about her to everyone? Will Kirby admit hers toward Colin?

Yes, those are a lot of questions, but there are others that have to do with plot points that I'm not willing to ask...

Technically, while you don't have to read/listen to Friends with BANG-i-fits before reading The Bangover, it does help. There are a few throwbacks to it and it sets the story of Kirby and Colin. If you couldn't tell, I LOVED this book. Like total heart-eyes emoji love. Ratings-wise, this definitely clocks in at a hard R: the sex is amazingly hot (as you might expect from these friends who have been in love with each other for years) - but it's not the total plot.

After I preordered this book, I saw that the next book, Bang Theory was also available to preorder... and I did. The next book features Kirby's little sister and the drummer of Colin's band - and a couple of small hints were dropped in this one about their relationship. So excited!