A review by quolwy
The Mistletoe Pact by Jo Lovett



I feel bad, the last few books I've read for review haven't really worked for me, and unfortunately neither has this one.

We follow Dan and Evie, best friends who accidentally got married while drunk in Vegas right before the story kicks off. We meet them the morning after, and while all sorts of awkward hilarious shenanigans should ensue, instead we don't really get much.

And that's kind of my general review for this story, it isn't giving much. I never became emotionally invested in any of it. Possibly because we didn't get to open with the actual wedding, which would have been amazing had we started the novel off thinking they were madly in love and it was great, only to be thrown an immediate curve ball and find out it was only because they were drunk in Vegas. But that is besides the point. The point is, I didn't care about what happened. At no point was I drawn in routing for one thing to happen, or another. I didn't care who ended up with who or what obstacles got in the way, because something was missing from the writing that gave the book emotional stakes.

I dunno, maybe I'm wrong, but it felt like everyone in ththe book was boring, which led to more disinterest while reading it.

Hopefully nobody else agrees with me and I'm just picky! Thank you to Netgalley and publishers for offering me a free e-arc in exchange for an honest review.