A review by jkh107
Expectations by Liz Borino


Story about a pair of twins (Chris and Matt) and their friend Aiden, starting out in New York after, I guess, business school. The twins have to meet the conditions of their overcontrolling gazillionnaire father in order to access their trust fund money; Aiden is running a dance studio and attempting to ignore his past in Ireland.

Good ideas, bad execution. This is very poorly written. While the plot itself is fairly interesting, and absent a few howlers ("run the gamete") there weren't that many grammar/usage errors, the prose is uninspired and written in such a way as to minimize dramatic and sexual tension. Huge Secrets are kept--or discovered--for about 3 pages, and then the telling is offstage, or no one is really surprised. A character kicks alcoholism more or less offscreen after the problem is built up. Dramatic climaxes just...fizzle. Aiden and Chris work on a huge dance show that...doesn't take place in the book? (there is a sequel; maybe it's there?). A shockingly brutal attack doesn't have many repercussions. And some of the plot points aren't really very believable or don't make a lot of sense, including Matt's career trajectory.

The characters themselves aren't badly developed. The developing romances between Chris and Aiden, and Matt and his co-worker Carley, are sweet. And there is a little twist to the plot at the end that I liked. But overall, this just isn't professional quality writing. I don't know why this got so many 5-star ratings.