A review by secre
Jimmy by William Malmborg


Course and poorly written with multiple plot holes and blatantly obvious inconsistencies. Interesting concept which is astronomically badly executed, with a focus on grotesque scenes with no writing finesse or attempt to structure it well. Jimmy is supposedly a 'normal' teenage boy with a fetish for hanging girls and violent sex. I put normal in inverted comma's because he turns absurdly violent so quickly it is clear the boy has way more issues than his fetishes alone.

The plot is equally absurd. He kidnaps a girl and nobody pays any attention whatsoever. He strings her up and she goes from vaguely fiesty to so damn placid and submissive that it is ridiculous in less than twenty four hours. Despite the entire town knowing about the deserted building he keeps her in, nobody bothers to look there even when people finally start searching because the Sherriff's daughter has also been kidnapped. Jimmy is violent to everyone, acting strangely and generally being suspicious and that isn't followed up. There are in depth depictions of violent and sexual acts, people pissing themselves and other bondage - but obviously not consensual scenes.

In between this you get long winded descriptions of him playing video games with his brother - James Bond, I believe. Descriptions of him watching bondage/rape porn and being disappointed with how it's turning out in real life. Jimmy beating the crap out of people and a truly stupid scene where a young man is asked to collect a girl from school by her mum. Despite two girls now being missing from school, this idiot literally chases her into school. What adult man would do that in an atmosphere of fear, particularly when the girl was very clear why she wasn't getting into his car. Come on.

That brings us onto Tina, the girl chased into the school. There is a lot of boring melodrama between her and her mother for no reason whatsoever. You get some supposedly crucial back story to the mum, but too late for it to have any impact. They both act in a ridiculously juvenile fashion and only one has the excuse of being a hormonal teenager.

I have no issue with dark or graphic tales. I object to poor characters, absurd plotlines and behaviour and stupidity in general. This demonstrate all of these in abundance and the ending is the worst offender of the lot. It is rushed, ill thought out and an obvious cop out because the author didn't want to have to bother with annoying little details like long term consequences or reverberations. There are some excellent thrillers out there. This is not one of them.