A review by tiedyedude
The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins


5 stars for content, 3.5 stars for writing.

This book is essential reading for anyone who thinks a change in Washington is going to solve the problems with our political culture. Corporations run the world, and the author of this book laid the groundwork for the corporate takeover. The events are astounding, though the author seems to get in his own way sometimes. He'll be describing an interesting development, and interrupt himself to explain how sorry he is, or how conflicted he was. I get that he carries around a lot of guilt, and he should, but hearing it got to be very repetitive.

The best part by far was the "New" chapters, which talk about recent events. He was not involved, rather an educated observer who knows the signs of the corporatocracy, so it read much better. A must read.