A review by lukas_sotola
Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism by Susan Jacoby


A brilliant, insightful work of history that covers an immense amount of ground in a surprisingly small space. Anyone who thinks that the United States is a "Christian country" or that religious leaders were the primary movers in fights for social justice--from the feminist movement to the abolitionist movement to the Civil Rights movement of the '60s and '70s--should read this book. The truth is that the United States has a rich tradition of freethinkers who were completely secular, often critical of religion (although much more respectful than today's New Atheists), devoted to the principles of the Enlightenment, and were often on the front lines of protecting our civil liberties. What I think is also so important about this book is that Susan Jacoby manages to be highly critical of religion, especially its role in upholding traditional and unequal social hierarchies and in attacking freedom of speech, without degenerating into New Atheist-style condescension or demonizing of all people of faith. An extremely important book.