A review by peapod_boston
Sign of Chaos by Roger Zelazny


Not as strong as it's predecessor, but still a cut above most current fantasy adventure. Why can't people write like this anymore? Lovely prose, stories that rocket along, mysteries, magic, adventure, and all under 300 pages. If Zelazny wrote this now, they would have published the whole series as one 1000 page book or a trilogy at least. The shorter format keeps things tight, events swarm on events, and economy (and beauty) of prose is the watchword.

Two excellent sequences here--Luke and Dalt's fight in the dark and snow between two armies and the wizardly battle for the Keep at Four Worlds (fast-paced action with magic that isn't whole world destroying; reminds me of some of Cook's stuff). I'd love to see both of them filmed for different reasons (the first, moody and artistically shot violence of a "Bourne Identity" style, intimate, grainy; the second, more like the scenes at the end of the "The Avengers" with Cap, Hawkeye, and Widow on the ground, lots of movement, action, energy and flow), but I'm content with the versions in my head.