A review by pizzabrot
Maud: A Novel Inspired by the Life of L.M. Montgomery by Melanie J. Fishbane


What a unique premise, telling the story of L. M. Monthomery's adolescense! 4.5 well-deserved stars for this lovely, comforting read, perfect for calm nights cozying up in bed (but minus 0.5 stars for not making me connect as much with Will as I and probably also the author wanted the reader to do) Now I really can't wait to read Anne of Green Gable's story as soon as I get the opportunity! I enjoyed this so much, even that gigantic headache that is pushing its way into my brain right now can't stop me from finally reviewing the book; even though I've certainly put it off long enough (a couple hours, that is) because I'm not ready to, don't even want to let go of Maud and her world. Still, making this sacrifice because damn if this book doesn't deserve a proper review doing it justice. (how sad that it is only me who's going to write it) It hits me everytime how much easier it is to review terrible books, because once again I'm at such a loss to describe the enormous amount of feelings I have for this novel. I've been lucky enough to have read my fair share of good books so far this year, but seldom it happens that it metaphorically (or literally? My headache begs to differ...) pains me to finish it, that's how much I grew to love the characters, the setting, the whole story in general! "Maud" is another one of those books my parents have bought me for Christmas without really knowing what it was about, just guessing that it looked and sounded like such a Kathi book - which it totally ended up to be! And at the beginning of the novel, while suspecting that I would enjoy it well enough, I had no idea how much I was actually going to love it! Silly old me never properly reads the blurb of a book on purpose because that's how real my fear of spoilers is, so opening the book I was very confused because I had no idea that it was actually a fictionalized biography of the author of "Anne of Green Gables"! I've got to admit that at first that fact felt like a bit of a let-down, being unfamiliar with Anne's story (for now - I am very determined to change that, even more after reading about her author!) and having the feeling of being cheated of more than a fair share of anectodial references to the Anne novels. But it was SUCH a great read nevertheless! It was a bit of a slow start for me at first, since I had no clue whatsoever of the experience of a girl living in that time period (1890-1892), had no understanding of what it was like, why so-called "scandals" were even seen as scandals, what the big deal was about Maud and her teacher, Maud and Nate, Maud and her dreams, Maud's relationship with religion.... But the book is written in this wonderfully affectionate way that you just can't help but fall in love with it ever so quickly! Maud is a such an endearing protagonist; if the real L. M. Montgomery was only a bit anything like her, I feel sorry for not having been alive sooner so I could've been the best of friends with her. There were so many parts in this book where I'd have loved to just jump straight into the scene, having a grand time with Maud and her friends at school, passing notes with Nate, going to school plays, or just lying around on the fields, picking berries with her cousins, going on life-changing journeys falling in love with all sorts of people...The beautiful atmosphere was practically palpable throughout the novel, it was a marvellous read! Nate was probably my absolute favourite character of the book; I'm such a sucker for well-written and sarcastically cheesy letters and the childhood-friends-turn-to-lovers trope, and romantic old me couldn't get enough of Maud's and Nate's innocent blooming relation- and penpalship. (really, those letters were EVERYTHING). Nate, dear Nate... These two had the perfect picturesque bittersweet story, and Maud's decisions spoke on such a deep level to me that it actually felt like I was sort of meant to read this book for my inner peace (without wanting to go into detail why this is the case). Even though I wished her choices would've been different ones, I could understand her thoughts all too well, since life isn't always about fairytale endings or going the easy way. Sometimes there are no right decisions and life isn't always perfect, no matter how much it pains other people involved in the scenario (in this case, ME, while having to read certain things) (buuuuh). In this case the book felt way more mature than I ever expected it to be, and I will forever cherish the first part of her story and hold it dear to my heart. The other two parts, while not speaking to me on the same inner personal level, were amazing reads as well and I thoroughly enjoyed every step of the book. The resolution felt hopeful and sad at the same time, since it once again showed how life doesn't always work out the way you want it, the way you planned it, the way you, as a reader, and you, as a person living your life, wished for it. I loved how the author not only told us the end of Maud's story, but included her friends' conclusions as well, since you become so overly attached to this characters over the journey of the book that you wish the very best for all of them and want their real life-counterparts to have lived an amazing life as well. Again, that's not always how life works out, but that's the beauty of the book: the combination of a fairytale-like story without ever forgetting the realism, as painful as it might be. I still can't believe I've actually finished the book, I find myself going back to it constantly, leafing through the pages, rereading Nate's and Maud's letters, her thoughts about certain things, the way everything came to a conclusion...what a beautifully-written book. Once again, as seems to be the case with all the books I so dearly love, I can't actually explain what's so fantastic about it, other than that I just have those very strong feelings about it that make my heart feel like it wants to burst straight out of my body (wouldn't that be a bloody mess!) I don't think there are many people who'd love this book as much as I do, but it was exactly what I needed at this very moment and stage of life. Part of why it took me (unjustified) ages to finish the story was because I didn't want to let it go, because I wanted to stay a bit longer in Cavendish, with Maud and her friends as well as her thoughts, because even though she and I are different in what we want from life (or rather in her knowing what she wants while I am aimlessly stumbling through it), I felt like I connected with her on such a strong level that now, having finished the book, I kind of feel like I lost a dear friend. Oh, isn't that the cheesiest review ever written?

Thanks to the author for making L.M. Montgomery feel as alive as I've always heard her fictional characters to be.