A review by theawkwardbookw
Where the Rhythm Takes You, by Sarah Dass


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*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review*

17 year old Reyna lost her mother two years ago, and everyone seems to be moving forward. Her best friend Aiden left Tobago to pursue his music career and she hasn't seen him since their messy breakup. Lately, her father has been putting a lot of the responsibility to run the family's resort on Reyna. That's when Aiden shows up as a VIP guest at the resort with his famous friends and Reyna is tasked with becoming their island tour guide.

This was a really enjoyable Jane Austen Persuasion retelling! I'm a fan of second chance romances, and I liked both Reyna and Aiden as characters. The side characters of Aiden's friends were also a joy to get to know! I really liked the chapters set in the past, where we got to see how the relationship between Reyna and Aiden began then ultimately ended. I definitely didn't feel as though these characters were only 17, they read older in my opinion.

The way the author describes Tobago in this is so beautiful, it seems absolutely gorgeous, and I so desperately wish to visit one day! I also really enjoyed the exploration of grief in this, I think the way Reyna was dealing with her mother's death was very realistic. There's also a super fun SOCA playlist in the back!

Overall, this is a perfect summer read, with really great characters!