A review by planningwithgrammy
Blush for Me: A Fusion Novel by Kristen Proby


why I read this book because it is number 3 in the series and I am curious about these women aren't you at first this book is strong fun great perspective into the characters but then immediately it just drops off into so so and it's almost like they make up a storyline late in the book so that you would actually read it and then at the end it falls victim to the never go to the bathroom in a romance novel trap I have seen the storyline over and over and yes it makes it exciting but as soon as she says I'm going to the bathroom you know something is going to happen it's like the horror movies when the people go in the basement looking for the creepy sound when I read this again probably not would I recommend it maybe because it would be interesting to know about this character and respect to the other characters in the series otherwise I wouldn't pick this one up but yes I am going to look for the next book and Hope of rescuing the series