A review by sjj169
The Truth About Alice by Jennifer Mathieu


This short little book blew me away. Told from four different perspectives and very well written. This author knows her stuff.
Alice is labeled a slut. You heard the rumors-she slept with 2 boys at a party. She is easy. Then come to find out one of the boys she slept with died..and guess what? Well he may have been drinking but it was Alice's texts that distracted him from driving.

You have his best friend speaking. The easy going second in command from the football team.
The popular pretty girl, she knows what she knows about Alice. It's all got to be true.
Alice's had been best friend who turned against her once the rumors started flying.
Then my favorite male character ever in a young adult book. Kurt. He is that nerdy guy who no one ever hangs out with anyways.

They all tell their stories of Alice. How they see her and their versions of events.

This book is pure delight to read. It does tear your heart out that teenagers can be so damn stupid. I wouldn't go back to that age for all the money in the world. Youth be damned.

Wanna be authors take note! This is how it is done. This is Jennifer Mathieu's first flipping book! She writes like a seasoned pro.