A review by meloches
The Other Twin by L. V. Hay


I have come to know Orenda for publishing police procedural novels. Imagine my surprise when I picked up The Other Twin and found something completely different than what I was expecting. Fast paced, character-centric, diverse and binge worthy; I finished this one in a single sitting.

The novel opens with Poppy receiving a call no one hopes to get; her sister, India is dead. Police deemed it to be a suicide, but Poppy is unconvinced, so, she begins her own investigation into India’s death. With nothing to turn to but her sister’s cell phone and the remnants of her online persona, mostly through a blog, Poppy shifts through India’s final days and stumbles into some deeply buried secrets.

To start, I would like to say that this review is going to be extremely vague. I do not want to ruin any plot points and Hay really brings a lot to the text. Lots of intricate plot weaving and character connections take place. It really hard to speak to any part of the text without beginning to unravel the plot! But, what I can say is that from the first pages, I couldn’t help but become completely entranced by the prose of Hays. She does a brilliant job at weaving the storylines and building tension within the text. I became completely invested in the plot. I was also incredibly impressed with the amount of diversity that Hay brought into the text, especially in regards to the LGBTQ community; there is not nearly enough of this context represented in literature.

I also loved the variation in the setting; taking place for the most part in Brighton, I had experienced this setting before (usually in some of my “palette cleansing” beach reads) but never in this way. Hay flips the switch in this seaside down and shows the seedy, dark side. I loved this unexpected twist. Absolutely brilliant!

Overall, I couldn’t get enough of this novel and I feel like fans of K.A Tucker’s He Will Be My Ruin will absolutely love The Other Twin; it really reminded me of it. 5/5 stars. Looks like another hit for Orenda.