A review by panohchoc
The Opposite of Butterfly Hunting: The Tragedy and The Glory of Growing Up by Evanna Lynch


Gosh, this was absorbing, painful, heartbreaking, beautiful, inspiring. Not the type of book I was expecting to be a page turner, but I could not put it down, and basically spent all of my free time reading it over the past couple of days.

A big chunk of the book is a really intense recounting of having anorexia. I don't know what the reading experience would be like for someone who is dealing or has dealt with an eating disorder, and those who have may want to tread carefully. But I would recommend this book to anyone for whom it wouldn't be harmfully triggering. There's much to connect to, and admire, in her story.

Luna Lovegood is a truly wonderful character and I loved Evanna as Luna. I knew the bare bones of her story (eating disorder, letters with J.K. Rowling, getting cast as Luna from an open audition), but it was fascinating to hear the whole story. There are so many passages or moments from the book I'd love to gush about, but I suppose I'll stop here and just say: it's fantastic.