A review by novelesque_life
Angel's Peak by Robyn Carr



"Four years ago, Air Force sweethearts Franci Duncan and Sean Riordan reached an impasse. She wanted marriage and a family. He didn't. But a chance meeting proves that the bitter breakup hasn't cooled their sizzling chemistry.

Sean has settled down in spite of himself - he's not the cocky young fighter pilot he was when Franci left, and he wants them to try again. After all, they have a history.but that's not all they share.

Franci's secret reason for walking away when Sean refused to commit is now three and a half: a redheaded cherub named Rosie who shares her daddy's emerald-green eyes. Sean is stunned - and furious with Franci for the deception.

News travels fast in Virgin River, and soon the whole town is taking sides. Rebuilding their trust could take a small miracle - and the kind of love that can move mountains." (From Amazon)

I enjoyed this novel but at times found that Franci and Sean's decisions were hard to take.