A review by pleasereadittome
Cat Daddy: What the World's Most Incorrigible Cat Taught Me about Life, Love, and Coming Clean by Jackson Galaxy


[2.5 stars] This book holds a special place in my heart because my mother gave it to me when I became a "cat daddy" in 2013. While it has sat on the shelf for a few years, I've grown to appreciate what Jackson Galaxy has done for countless cat guardians and animal advocates across the world.

But goodwill doesn't make a great book. As a memoir, parts of it are painful to read and not because of the sometimes heavy subject matter. Many passages are drab attempts at humor, random characters with no narrative purpose and middle fingers to various people and entities. It honestly becomes tiresome.

When Galaxy strips away the entertainer facade and leans into a real discussion about his addictions to alcohol, drugs and food, you really begin to see the vulnerability he brought to sharing his story.

While felines are a connective thread, this "Cat" isn't about our four-legged companions. It is, however, about the redemption, love and forgiveness you can find in loving something more than yourself.