A review by ebgracie77
Chasing Shadows by Catherine Bybee


I think I like this book the most out of all of the four in the series.

However, before I tell you all the things that I liked, I will tell you a couple things that concern me regarding the author and the characters and race. It feels like this author has her characters be a bit casually racist which sucks. Avery talks about someone not looking the right nationality… nationality is about citizenship and doesn’t describe someone’s looks. Secondly, there’s a little “scare” at the end where Avery’s parents think she’s dating a black man and they are so relieved she’s not, they accept her working class white boyfriend. This kind of inclusion of implicit biases sort of sucks when I want to like these characters.

But, in general, I loved Avery. She is the one out of the four friends has grown the most and changed the most. She’s gone through something pretty horrific and come out stronger the other side. She used to be really casual in her sexual relationships, partly because she didn’t think anyone would stay. I appreciate her friendship and her caring for others. And the way that she worked to be able to defend her self and fight. The storyline was awesome as well as she struggles through surviving and confronting the violence that was done to her. It sucked that she didn’t trust her friends and lied to them to try to solve things on her own… but it was part of her growth.

Liam is such a sweet hero. He is a bit of a stalker in the beginning… but in the way of trying to meet her. And it all comes out pretty quickly and isn’t too icky. He’s a kind human being who takes care of his family and puts himself out there. She never has to wonder how he feels cause he tells her.

It’s a pretty fun read but there are definitely some funny dynamics with the friends being all up in each other’s business. Also, this book confirms that I hate Wade.

Also, what’s up with the public proposals from Bybees heroes. Yuck!

Avery has been the most sexual of her friends but it’s been a year. And Liam isn’t a manwhore. Solid great guy.