A review by loram
Rumpled by Lacey Louwagie


This is a fairytale retelling that ventures into adult situations, but tastefully so. A young woman, Emily, is to marry the king, but her life is dependent on proving she can spin gold from straw. Of course she can do no such thing, but Rumplestiltskin saves the day with his special magic. He is little and ugly, and hopelessly in love with the woman who will become his queen.

Rumpy is also human and doesn't hesitate to accept the favors that Emily offers in return for his lessons in how to perform the magic, though she finds it difficult to make the transmutations. Like in the original fairytale, she has promised him her first born child in return for his help as well.

This story expands on the original tale and gives a reason for Rumpy's wish for the child. There is magic and court politics in what I thought was a nice little Fantasy tale well done.

The writing was very good and I have no hesitation in giving this one 5 stars.