A review by panda_incognito
The Princess in Black and the Giant Problem by Shannon Hale, Dean Hale


When the first Princess in Black book came out, I hoped that there would be sequels. Now, this series has continued for eight books, and even though some story elements get repetitive, each book does something new and different with the familiar set-up and characters. This eighth book expands on the general story structure with a larger-scale problem and bigger cast, bringing together a variety of disguised superheroes who must take down a gigantic, destructive monster.

The plot twist at the end was very obvious to me as an adult reader, but it will probably surprise the target audience, and the book is creative and different overall. I enjoyed the winter theme, which helps set this apart from previous volumes, and chuckled over the wide range of different superheroes and disguised animal sidekicks. Someone who isn't entertained by the different names and costumes may find this part of the book less appealing, since it spends some of the short page count on introductions instead of more action, but in my experience, the silly disguises and names are part of this series's charm.

Like the rest of the Princess in Black books, this is a great selection for boys and girls of all ages. The series appeals to a broad audience by striking the right balance between its princess and superhero elements, and it also works as both a book for beginning readers and a fun, dramatic read-aloud. These books are fun and appealing for parents and kids, and I highly recommend them.

I received an advance copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.