A review by court1386
Something Like Autumn, by Jay Bell


I want to say it took me so long to finish this book because I was under the weather for a few days, but honestly I think it was because I knew Jace was going to die and wanted to prolong his life. I loved getting to know teenage/college Jace, when he wasn’t so sure of himself and seemingly perfect. I went into this thinking I would hate Victor but I grew to like his uniqueness. I was shocked that he ended up committing suicide...I did not see that as the end of their relationship. Jace and Ben were even more adorable in this version, because there was less Tim drama to read about. This book had more interaction between the two, which is what I wanted more of in Something Like Summer. Jace’s death was even more gut wrenching this time around 😩 Can we have an alternate version where he lives and him and Ben grow old together??