A review by soulwinds
Star Witness by Lisa Phillips


God can wipe it away.

1.5 stars for Star Witness


Thought and Plot

Have you ever read a book and went okay maybe it's not so-nope,I was wrong!

I tried to like this book. I really did. What's not to like about a deta force, military man protecting a women from a drug lord/ drug lord's kid on behalf of his brother who is SUPPOSED to be protecting her but is too busy trying to stop the leaks in the boat from sinking his entire organization? A lot apparently. But I ignored the chippy writing and the near insta-love (at first) and tried to just enjoy the story. And I almost got there...until I hit this part:

God can wipe it away. He takes our sins and makes it as though it never happened.

Okay, seriously??? I may have burst out laughing in surprise and slight disgust at this terrible terrible line. Did you sin? Just leave it in God's hands and forget about it!!! That's not right at all! What christian religion is this book based off exactly, and how did it get into this particular book? It just steam rolled down the negativity cliff from there.

There was some nice gentle under tones of a religious faith laying just under the surface of our main gal's (Mackenzie/Lani) character and then you get to somewhere in chapter 18 and the religious message comes hurling out of the pages so unexpectedly and so hard I'm surprised my eyebrows stayed on my face the way they shot up. I laughed, but not because it was funny, but because it was so bad. And it just. kept. getting. WORSE!!!!

And let's not forget to get the man of broken faith to magically see the light through a few spoken words. Guh!

And what is with the near insta-love feeling going on? How long have you guys known each other? Week or so? Tops. What was it, three, four days before your friend is loudly announcing that she the one for you??? GGGUUUHHHH!!!! I HATE THAT!!! No insta-love and no declarations of WE KNOW SHE'S THE RIGHT PERSON FOR YOU EVEN THOUGH WE LITERALLY JUST MET HER TEN MINUTES AGO!!!! It's written all over you face dude....guh just give a girl a break and stop heaping the trash all in one place (Chapter 18, right next to the dam break that started the unexpected God flood). I want to vomit just thinking about it. Let's not mention the marriage proposal about a week into the relationship. Is it really so impossible to write a realistic love story???

Things I didn't like (the summary list)

-God flood
-Magical faith finding
-the vomit-comet of insta-mush
-"It's all really technical, and I don't really understand it-" let's skip over actually sort of explain how your IP address can't be tracked due to how you set up your internet bulls**t.
-The cliche "everybody I cared for is in hospital because of me! (Lani)" "I'll let you cry while I cradle you on my lap and promise to never leave you!! (Aaron)" Bleh!!
-So...you blocked the front door, but did nothing to the back door???? And you people are special forces and ex-CIA????? Good Lord! You let the person you're protecting go into the bath that has a window...before the fire fight started..uhuh. NOT BELIEVEABLE!!!
-Excessive self sacrificing
-Witness Protection fails that would honestly never happen in real life (I hope)
-A suicidal, rich, drug lord's son, bad guy who is killing himself (and her) willing for no good reason. Uh, what???
-The conversation with said suicidal drug lord's son.
-and the mush talk in chapter 18 and beyond...double bleh!
-that girlfriend, girlfriend. Nahuh!
-That ending...UGH!!!!

Things I did like.

-Aaron... until he turned into a mushy idiot.
-Aaron's team's forgiveness, because it was a nice subtle message about forgiveness and moving on with people you care for.
-The friendship factor between Aaaron and all his friends
-Doug's lame ass jokes. Actually kind of funny.
-Not much else


I would suggest to others not bother reading this book (personally). I've read cliche YA romance novels that worked better (and were more believable) than this story. But it's your time if you choose to read it and see it for yourself. I personally am disappointed that the quality went down rather than up as we neared the climax of the story-line.

Pity. It had potential.