A review by susanatwestofmars
Between Me and You by Allison Winn Scotch


This is a really good book. The author's note says Allison struggled with the structure, but you can't tell; it seems well-crafted and cleverly constructed. I had a few issues with phrases that came into use more recently than the story claimed, but those were fewer and further between than I had feared at first.

So what's the issue? Why am I not caling this brilliant? It certainly could be considered such by many. The story is very strong. The structure is fascinating. So what's the problem?

I'm not sure, except for some reason, I didn't make that emotional connection I needed to. I should have bawled my eyes out over the thing that brings Ben and Tatum back together, and I should have cheered at the way this ended. I wanted to. There were times when I couldn't put the book down, nights when I stayed up too late, reading.

Maybe it's that ultimately, the bubble of the book was too hard to penetrate, at least by me. I don't know. I just know it didn't give me the feels I was hoping for.

That said, it's a great book. Thoughtful and poignant. Definitely worth the read.