A review by greergreer
Dreamfall by Amy Plum


I love a book I can’t put down. They are far and few between but I found one for the new year and finished it the same day. This book started out fast and stayed on that track all the way through. No sluggish beginning or big lead up it dropped you in the story quick. I really like that in a book, give me the story and cut out all the fluff. Dream Fall is about dreams, I hate dreams, mainly about nightmares and a group of test subjects for a new shock therapy to change your REM and sleeping cycles the test subjects happen to be a group on teenagers. The test is controversial being on teens but the brain is not fully developed until you reach the age of 25. This is why they are the perfect guinea pig. Little guinea pigs with horrid nightmares that interlink and make you want to read the book in one sitting. I loved it!