A review by satyridae
The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide: Safe, Therapeutic, and Sacred Journeys by James Fadiman


It was an interesting book, but I was hoping for much more new information. The vast majority of this book is about the studies done in the early 1960s (about which I think most people interested in entheogens have already read). There was a tiny sliver of newer information, but not enough to build a book around. The newer stuff included, oddly enough, some trip reports the likes of which can be found all over the internet. The cover led me to believe I was getting something other than what I got.

The most interesting part was the chapter speculating about the value of micro-doses of psychedelics- doses too small to cause tripping, but which seem to have profound effects over time.

It's not a bad book, don't get me wrong. It's informative and well-written, and it's a subject that doesn't get enough good press. But Timothy Leary's dead, let's get some fresh quotes.