A review by anwoolson
The Missing Sister by Elle Marr


No. So many times - no. The premise was OK, but there were so many things just wrong with this book. The main character is a med student who gets creeped out by old skeleton bones and deteriorating bodies. She drinks Diet Coke, then gets a sugar hangover. You cannot rip your passport in half, especially if you have just gotten stabbed in the back with a scalpel. Yes, a passport that's been torn in half would be invalid, but if you had been kidnapped, held in the catacombs beneath Paris for days, experiment on, almost murdered, had to murder your captor to get away - I think the embassy would work with you to get a new one and get you out of the country as soon as possible.
There is so much wrong in this book. Did the publisher not have someone read it before it was released?
Don't bother. Just don't bother.