A review by mrose21
Die for Me by Amy Plum


36.0% "I'm not going to lie. I actually cannot be bothered to listen to this. Pretty sure this book has been on my to read list since for ever but this book is well almost boring. I like that its set in France instead of the usual America BS but shes still AMERICAN. And i'm pretty sure its been mentioned that shes amazing for fluent french at least 5 times already. Boring :/"
50.0% "I'm actually happy that this book is nearly done. Audio books are so hard to go through but needs must while working"
50.0% "She is winding me up something chronic."
65.0% "She is on and off annoying. One minute its like okay you're not so bad, then she starts up whinging and its just so hard to carry on. I'm still waiting for something to go on, so far she is agonizing over lost love. blah blah blah"
77.0% "OK I was feeling a little bit better but "he's my sworn enemy" please. AND I could tell what was going on when I reached Chapter 31, thought since there's only 10 more chapters there is also a high chance it will end in a stupid cliffhanger"

I like to put on my status updates when a book especially annoys me. This is sadly one of those books. I don't hate this book but I certainly don't like this book either. Its just boring.

I'm working night shift and I'm struggling to keep myself awake which is not the point of books usually they help me stay awake.

I think I've figured out why this book is bugging me so much. Its because its a zombie book and I'm fiercely against zombie books or films so therefore this book was already going to be lost on me. Thank God I didn't pay for this book.

Ok so this review is very disjointed but this book was so bugging.

Die for Me isn't the worst book I have read, its actually a pretty good book for the writing. The story line for me just falls short. I cannot quite pin on what it is. It may be the zombie like fashion the author has made these beings act, or it may be how romance is 90% of this book.

As you can read from my status updates Kate just wound me up on and off during the book, she was just so immature. Vincent for some reason my mind wants to call him Michael. Now I'm not entirely sure why, it's a little bit annoying but Vincent just doesn't sit in my head. Him as a character is utterly lovable and I really like him - in fact I'd rather this was about him and not her. It may be the french romance that he brings out during this book and the way he treats her is pretty sweet and I love it.

Me being obsessed with calling him Michael may come from Morganville vampire series. Possibly! Although they aren't really the same but the way Michael treats Eve is almost the same as Vincent treats Kate.

I managed to spoil myself because I knew deep down I had some desire to know what happens in this series and I have a few theories and I knew I was going to be right. It was pretty obvious she was special and thus going to end up with a 'great' ending. Not all doom and disappointment I applaud Amy on how she described losing Kate's parents. From losing my own mum I can safely and sadly say that those emotions and actions Kate feels and does during those first few chapters sums up how I was after she died. Got to give her props for character development from Kate then to Kate at the end in love.