A review by reads_vicariously
The Boy in the Woods by Scott Thomas


Knocked this out in about an hour and really enjoyed it! Biggest takeaways for me, and what made this so great, are the edge-of-your-seat suspense and the wonderfully detailed imagery of the setting. This is a short read, and after a big of exposition it rips along at a break-neck pace. I was constantly fearing for the safety of our leads, and the author does an excellent job of ratcheting up the tension and the gore!

I also really enjoyed the setting of the summer camp (classic horror fare). The story did a great job of putting me right there in the moment and helping me picture exactly what was happening. Especially that scene in the dark pit of the amphitheater...oh man. I'm getting chills just thinking about it. I believe I was also having flashbacks to Boy Scott camp (which were less bloody, but sometimes just as horrifying).

The plot is fairly routine, which is mostly why I knocked off a star, but that doesn't make it any less fun. Reminds me of a blend of camp slashers, a little of Cabin Fever, and definitely some of Sean Seebach's THE BUCK STOPS HERE. All in all it was a blast to tear through and I would definitely recommend it!