A review by bookpaperraven
An Incarnation of Shadow and Light by S.A. Christianson


Thank you pridebooktours and the author for providing me a copy of this book.

Overall this was a good book.

What I loved:
Queer normative world for the win!
The different magic of each Incarnate.
The contrasting countries and their views on magic.
The villain- when I properly hate a villain I know they've been done well .
The cover (you all know I'm a sucker for a pretty book)

What wasn't my favourite:
The writing needed a little bit of work, it could be wordy and sometimes the sentence structure was confusing but, it is the author's first book so, I think it will only improve from here.
There was a lack of depth with the main characters, the many POVs likely contributed to this but I didn't feel like I got to know any of the characters very well.
The plot moved too quickly, something was happening, then it was over then we were onto something else right away.