A review by yvo_about_books
Worth Killing For by Ed James


Finished reading: October 24th 2016
Rating 4qqq

“He's like napalm, Kay. Give him something to work on and watch it explode.”

*** A copy of this book was kindly provided to me by Netgalley and Thomas & Mercer in exchange for an honest review. Thank you! ***


I read the first book of this series The Hope That Kills not that long ago and enjoyed it, so it was quite an easy decision wanting to read the sequel as well. And I can say I ended up enjoying Worth Killing For even better than the first book. Sure, the main character Fenchurch is still a mayor detective cliche with his messed up private life and all, but in this series it just works. And why change a formula that seems to be working for so many authors in the first place right? Worth Killing For is without doubt a fast-paced read and literally packed with action scenes. I mean, the story even opens with a wild suspect chase! The story reads superfast and the case is without doubt interesting, although a bit on the limit with the race triggers. That said, this crime thriller is without doubt an excellent choice for any fan of the genre. And that ending! I will be waiting impatiently for the third book to come out to find out more about that cliffhanger...


WARNING: Possible spoilers! Please don’t read this summary if you haven’t read the first two books of this series yet. I’ll keep the summary super short but it’s impossible to keep it completely spoiler-free…

A young woman is attacked in broad daylight and left bleeding to death on the pavement, and DI Simon Fenchurch and his wife are among the eyewitnesses. Fenchurch doesn't hesitate long and starts pursuing the attacker and eventually arrests a teenager with a bunch of stolen phones. What seems to be an easy case turns into something else... Did the guy Fenchurch arrested really do it ? And was it really all just about a smartphone? Fenchurch is starting to feel something is off, but before he can probe further he is removed from the case. That won't stop him though...


Worth Killing For is without doubt a strong sequel to what was already a great start of a new detective series. It's fast-paced and literally packed with action scenes that will keep you on the edge of your seat as soon as you start reading the first chapters. The prose is easy to read and even though I had some minor issues, I can recommend this story to any crime fiction fan.

P.S. Find more of my reviews here.