A review by jazzrizz
Indulgence in Death by J.D. Robb


I'm listening to this on a DAD device from the library. It's the first time I've used one of these, and I think I like it. It took a little getting used to the fast forward/reverse method. I kept restarting the chapter until I read the directions ;)

OMG . . . I'm loving this book. There is a lot of humor in this book. Eve totally cracks me up! The rooster scene had me in tears, I was laughing so hard.

There's a lot of playful banter between her and the other characters in the book. I love when she's playful with Roarke. While I enjoy their "difficult periods", I really love when they're in sync. They're a lot of fun to read when they're like that.

Peabody is really coming into her own on the detective front in this book. Not a lot of McNab or Feeney in this book (so far).

11/25: Done! Another great book in the series . . . eagerly awaiting [b:Treachery In Death|8315872|Treachery in Death (In Death, #32)|J.D. Robb|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1285908143s/8315872.jpg|13165093] in March!