A review by joradora
Being Nikki by Meg Cabot


Ok, let me start this off by saying that I absolutely love Meg Cabot’s books. I have read every one of her books, aside from the kids books and the books written under another name. (Oh, and Ransom My Heart, because I’ve been busy with school and now trying to find a job and the like, but whatever, it’s totally on my summer reading list).

Anyway, I received an advance copy of her latest, Being Nikki, and I read it in probably less than eight hours.
This is something I both love and hate about reading her books. Especially the YA. I can get through them so quickly, which is great when I don’t have a whole lot of time on my hands but need a break from my textbooks. But it also feels like it’s over too fast and I’m left wanting more.
Such is the case with Being Nikki.

In this sequel to Airhead, Emerson Watts is living the life of supermodel Nikki Howard…in her body…after a brain transplant saved her life.

She’s already busy juggling her roommate, her “family members” who are looking for handouts, and her many suitors (including a British songwriter who has written one especially for her!), while trying to get the boy she’s loved since before the accident to realize who she really is. Now strange things are happening and Em is starting to suspect that shady dealings are going on at Stark Industries. In fact, she’s starting to question if there’s more to the story about what really happened to the real Nikki Howard.

Like all of Meg’s books, this one was delightful, charming and fun. The conversational tone made me feel like I was chatting with my close friend. Being Nikki was also full of intrigue. I have to say that I was unaware when I started that it was a mystery, but the hints were planted so well that I was making guesses all throughout.
Now that I’m finished, I really can’t wait until the third book in the series is released (or even written).
And I REALLY can’t wait until the next Heather Wells mystery comes out. It’s my favorite series for sure.