A review by abetterjulie
Finn Fancy Necromancy by Randy Henderson


Really, 3.5 stars (why won't Goodreads let us do half stars!?)

Loss of memory, framed for a crime (or two), family messiness, and magic with limits - oh, and girl crushes.

Humor is hard, but Henderson manages to balance it evenly throughout. Writing about a man who's really emotionally 15 is also hard, but that difficulty is subtle, and while Henderson manages this, it still left me feeling itchy in spots. It's important to remember this about Finn when you read, because the story (and the women in it) swirl around this time-warp.

Ultimately, this book was fun. I'm not the target audience, and yet I enjoyed it. There were parts where it read like a (fun, but bizarre) D&D campaign, and other parts where it felt like I was watching a Saturday morning cartoon, but I think that was intentional and added to the 80's vibe.

I think the rest of the series will be even better, and since we own them all...I'll be reading them!