A review by bookswithnopictures
Saving Miss Everly by Sally Britton


I LOVED it. There are very few books that have 180-reversed my opinion about a character. I thought Discovering Grace was beautiful but really didn't care for Hope going into Saving Miss Everly. Grace's attempts to be more like her adventurous and outgoing twin were endearing. Seeing the love and affection and attempts to be like the other twin as mutual from Hope's POV was equally so.

"Grace would not ask the question on the tip of Hope’s tongue. Grace would swallow the question and withdraw as she was bid, respecting the social customs with which they had been raised. But Hope was not Grace."

There's a scene between Hope and Alejandro that made me sit up straight and say, "oh!" I was so caught off guard and swept up in that tiny moment between them. And this is why there's such a term as Latin Lover. Where can I get an Alejandro? (Holding up my hand as I reread that scene. Sigh...