A review by thenerdymom
The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan


" "Is this all there is?" I ask him. I'm so tired of this struggle, of trying to survive when it seems like there's no point to it. When everyone I love dies or changes and I'm left alone. "Is this what life is about? Waiting for death? Looking for it? Inviting it in?"
"No," he says, his voice barely a whisper against my cheek. "That's not what life is."
"Then what is it?" I need him to give me a reason to keep fighting. To keep pushing forward even though it's so hard. Even though I'm not sure I can.
"This," he says, and he presses his lips to mine. "

WHOA. Holy heeellll. I loved this story!

This book is the second of The Forest of Hands and Teeth trilogy. My expectations of this book was a continuation from the first book. I would have been intrigued by that. I would have been okay with that. Carrie Ryan decided to take her readers for a spin with this one. This story is about "Gabry" or Gabrielle. You think you've met her in the first book and that it will just be a POV book, but we find that Mary has a daughter and guess what her name is? GABRIELLE.

The Dead-Tossed Waves is the story of Gabrielle trying to figure herself out. She wants to be a strong woman like her mother, she wants to be fearless like all of her friends, but most importantly she wants to continue stay safe. In a world free of the "Mudo/Unconsecrated".

After just one night, Gabrielle finds her world being turned upside down. She decides to let fear go and climb the barriers with her friends (because they do this all the time and nothing ever happens). What do they find behind the barriers? What you will always find in this world..the Unconsecrated.

Because of this night alone, Gabry is faced with a series of events that unfold, forcing her to make difficult decisons. Forcing her to be brave. Most importantly, forcing her to become who she needs to be.

Tears and happiness, adventure and self-exploration--Carrie Ryan knows just how to take you on an emotional rollercoaster. And it's one you want to ride over and over!