A review by readingthestars
The Silvered Serpents, by Roshani Chokshi


*I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*

Slight spoilers.

I love Roshani Choksih's writing. It's so intriguing and fast paced, which is exactly what I like in a book. Any big issues would be from how confusing this (and the previous book) can be to get into/understand. Sometimes the characters do things that don't really make sense to me in the grand scheme of things (such as, in this book, the characters finding a desert of sorts). I also can't really get a sense of how old the characters are, but that's not really a problem, just something I've noticed.

It's also been a while since I read The Gilded Wolves, so I'm unsure if some of my confusion comes from not 100% remembering the actions of that book. But I also remember being slightly confused by some scenes in The Gilded Wolves, especially concerning the world building and Forging. Maybe I've forgotten, but I don't quite understand Forging and how it interacts with the rest of the world.

One thing I noticed is the technology that the characters use - they have projections and devices that detect traps. Though these technological developments don't quite match the surrounding environment/setting, it's a really interesting mix.

Towards the end, I FELT that suspense over who was to blame. I was on the edge of my seat, and the ending, while not being completely satisfying simply because it's an open ending, is going to set up the next book well. Can't wait to read it!