A review by felinity
Doctor Who: Tales of Trenzalore: The Eleventh Doctor's Last Stand by George Mann, Justin Richards, Mark Morris, Paul Finch


f you haven't seen "The Time of the Doctor" (the last Christmas Special with Matt Smith), I strongly suggest watching it before you read these 4 tales for full appreciation and minimal confusion.

These tales, in a chronological order (though not back-to-back) tell of some of the Doctor's exploits while defending Trenzalore and the town of Christmas from all of his enemies.

Here the Doctor is tricksy as old enemies evade the Church and come to him, and with typical high-speed delivery stuns the townsfolk into silence with bad news while leaving them hanging for his brilliant plans. (Later on, of course, they've figured out - as Clara and other companions do - that he generally makes it up as he goes along!) Some of the enemies I vaguely remembered from the old series, but one was completely new to me.

We learn why he really needs a walking stick, and where it came from, and see an unusual variety of methods for dispatching his enemies along with the incredible inventions the people of Trenzalore have made to keep them living on such an inhospitable planet. Some mysteries are unraveled, but we also see the Doctor gradually fading, losing the seemingly inexhaustible energy that made the Eleventh Doctor who he was. Only the knowledge of the overall ending made that part better.

They were well-written, with a good choice of foe and resolution, and all gave a little more insight into that interminable period while the Doctor gave up everything for the planet. I'd like to read more like this!

Disclaimer: I received a free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.