A review by thebookswelove
Ash and Snow by Silvana G. Sánchez


I received an ARC from BookSirens in exchange for an honest review.

I’ve really been into fairytale retellings lately but haven’t read a Snow White version until this one. I really liked the world building and adaptations of Prince Charming, Seven “mages” instead of dwarves, and using portals to travel-almost a play on the Magic Mirror.

I did get confused by the mention of Phillip in the beginning and I’m guessing Aurora BUT since this is a series, I’m hoping their story joins in??

The only thing I would’ve liked to have seen from this is more development of Snow and Charming’s relationship. It felt very sudden without a lot of depth.

If you life fairytale retellings, check out the first in series, Ash and Snow!