A review by kmccubbin
Doctor Who: Neverland by Alan Barnes


The tale of the Eighth Doctor and Charlie is simply one of the great reasons to have been alive for a Doctor Who fan through the 2000s. This is not to say that they're all great. On the contrary, the first season of it is a rocky road. But the two of them are simply wonderful together and the story of the girl who should've died in the R101 is the gutsiest narrative arc that has ever been associateed with the Time Lord.
As we've seen over the last several stories, time is crashing about Charlie Pollard. The Doctor is frantically trying to save both her and the web of time when the Time Lords step in...
Startling and strange, this story ups the stakes wonderfully and brings in the return of Lalla Ward as President Romana.

Admittedly, your enjoyment of this story will depend a bit on how tolerant you are of the Gallifreyan political stories, "Deadly Assassin", "Arc of Time", "Trial of a TIme Lord" etc... ), but if you know your Rassilon from your Omega, you're ready to go!
Fast paced, with real gravitas; this is so much fun. And the ending is a cliffhanger that both caught me off guard and had me ready to dive into the next Eighth Doctor story right away. (Which is, to be fair, about 17 stories down the road.)

(Note: Be aware that you should listen to at least "Storm Warning" and "Chimes of Midnight" first. "Seasons of Fear" wouldn't hurt, either.)