A review by readingbelle
Secondborn by Amy A. Bartol


Amy A. Bartol builds sci-fi worlds for non sci-fi readers effortlessly. First her Kricket series and now Secondborn. I'm not sure if Amy would classify this as sci-fi. I suppose it's sci-fi lite and dystopian, but to me (a pretty solid romance reader) it's super sci-fi ;) However you label it, it's great reading.
Amy weaves science, romance, thrills, and chills into every word she writes in a way that engages readers. You're visualizing air-barracks, you're panting with Roselle as she races for her freedom, you're debating which man in Roselle's (very complicated) life is being truthful. And if you're a romance lover you're taking bets on who gets her heart in the end. Bravo, Amy on a very fine start to your new series. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.