A review by briewhale
Keep Away by Jillian Liota


Keep Away was as amazing as the Keeper! I had a perpetual smile on my face the entire time I was reading it. Both books have the best first date scenes ever. And Jeremy is so charming and sexy. I love the way Jillian writes incredibly steamy make out scenes. I’m surprised my Kindle didn’t burst into flames at times.

While the story is about the romance between Charlie and Jeremy, there were other strong relationships. We got a glimpse of Charlie’s relationships with her parents and her siblings. Jeremy and RJ are still close as well. But what I love the most, in both books, is that there is a strong theme of the characters taking care of themselves. They work hard to be the happiest and healthiest versions of themselves. There is always a ton of character growth, which is impressive in a novella.

It was great to see the story continue. I was worried about how Jeremy was doing after the events of the Keeper. So it was good to have that resolved. These are characters that will definitely stick with me.