A review by abigailbat
Weekends with Max and His Dad by Linda Urban


This wonderful transitional chapter book tells stories of third-grader Max who spends weekends with his dad. There's some masterful showing going on - although the reader understands that Max's parents have separated and Max's dad has a new apartment, it's all coming from what we're shown in the scenes, not stated from the child narrator. We also see how much Max's dad loves him - his bedroom is the only one that's been painted and furnished in the empty apartment, etc.

There are some really authentic emotions going on here. I think this is definitely a story that will resonate with children who have experienced divorce and it's not at all a story that's focused on the divorce, which is really nice to see.

I would hand it to kids who enjoy character-driven, loosely plotted stories like The Year of the Book by Andrea Cheng or The Misadventures of the Family Fletcher by Dana Levy.