A review by inamerata
Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls: A Handbook for Unapologetic Living by Jes Baker


A blog-like collection that gives you what you expect: it's well-tread and shallow, but mostly inoffensive.

However, it's marred by ableism and ignorance. One author conflates food allergies with fad diets, but ignores how dismissing specialized diets hurts disabled people. It's bad enough to say these concerns aren't that important, but even more galling to imply people are lying about it.  This is a seriously dangerous attitude that contributes to real harm, even death.

I'm sure if asked, the author'd say, "oh, I didn't mean people with REAL concerns," but how, exactly, will you know if someone's needs are "real" and worthy of respect? Who decides that? Why must they reveal their personal information for your judgment and defend their food to you? Isn't that something the fat acceptance movement advocates against?

Another contributor writes:

Writer Susie Campbell answers the question, "what if we treated every illness the way we treat mental illness?" in a cartoon... where her characters say things like "I'm getting very tired of this cancer of yours."

While I appreciated most of this chapter's discussion on mental health, this is a trash sentiment and a trash comic that belies both authors' ableism. People say this about every illness and disability. Yes, even cancer. Most people will extend sympathy for acute illnesses and injuries, at least at first, but if it's "too much," "too long," or, heaven forbid, incurable? That's just so inconvenient for others, you know.

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