A review by hugbandit7
Peach Clobbered by Anna Gerard


I loved this book - from the witty dialogue, quirky characters, and southern setting.  It is a winning combination.

This is a new series you will want to read and should you read this book (and you should!) you might be surprised at the turn of events and who the killer turns out to be in the end.  I love a good mystery that keeps me guessing and surprises me in the end.  

Nina (Nine-ah) has left the big city of Atlanta and has found her new home in Cymbeline after a disastrous marriage.  As with all small towns, there are politics and it is all in who you know to get things done.  The historic home that she has purchased is now a B&B at the behest of the Mayor (hence the fast tracking of certain things) to house a motley group of nuns.  While this may not be her plans for her home, she falls into the groove pretty quickly and it helps that the nuns aren't your typical guests.  She does have a thorn in her side, Harry.  He is a nephew of the previous owner and is contesting her purchasing the house.  This causes for some sticky situations peppered throughout the book, but it adds another twist in the tale.

I thought that the cast of characters was just right - not too many and not too few.  I felt like the characters were well developed for a first book and expect that to continue with future books.  I do think there could have been a little bit more about how Nina came to Cymbeline and why she left Atlanta.  There are a few mentions but not enough for my liking but hopefully, there will be a further exploration into her past life.

I am curious to see how this situation with Harry will play itself out.  He is an actor and has done various roles, so will he want to continue contesting the sale of the house or will he move on if his career takes off?  Only future books will tell.

This peach of a book is entertaining and we give it 5 paws up.