A review by soiwenthome
Below the Edge of Darkness: A Memoir of Exploring Light and Life in the Deep Sea by Edith Widder


I had heard of Dr. Widder before and recently heard her interview on the Unexplained podcast and saw an article of hers in The Saturday Evening Post, so when I came across this audiobook on Libby, I knew I had to listen! I mostly listened to this while running or doing yard work and it was pretty heady information, but Dr. Widder presents it with humor and light-heartedness so that even non-scientific folks (like me) can understand (most) of it. I also checked out the book from my library because there were full color photos throughout.

One point she really drove home in the introduction and epilogue was that we as a society are so engrossed with exploration and discovery that we've ventured out to explore the cosmos, spending billions of dollars doing so, when there is so much to discover right here on earth. The only thing missing? Funding. We must understand the vast life that lives in oceans covering over 70% of the earth. We don't know what we don't know!

Recommend for all science nerds!