A review by frida_kahlo
Confessions of an Heiress: A Tongue-In-Chic Peek Behind the Pose by Paris Hilton, Merle Ginsberg, Jeff Vespa


You know, I do feel sorry for the tree (or trees) that died for this book to be printed.

I don't think I have ever set my eyes on a more superficial book/memoir/magazine/portfolio of a sort, name it any way you prefer.

If this book aimed to prove to the audience that this celebrity person has more to offer than what we saw/received/attended to so far, that she is not just one more stupid rich blonde, this book did not hit the spot. However, if it was intended as yet another joke of a rich b***h just because she can and just because why not, then the book is even more superficial than I previously stated.

But hey, look at the bright side of the things - she now has one more occupation to add to her list (a true busy bee!). After being the heiress, model, party girl, singer, actress, and DJ, she can proudly call herself an author, which is excellent for her entrepreneurship.

Anyway, would not recommend it to anyone, liking or disliking her. Not even for the colourful pictures in it.