A review by booksforlosers
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens



Congratulations Dickens . You have officially written the worst book I’ve ever read .

I am going to torture this book like it tortured me .

So far I have
1) thrown it down my stairs repeatedly
2) thrown it off my deck many times
3) Thrown it into trees
4) smashes it on my trampoline

What I have planned for it
1) dragging it to the bottom of my 15 1/2 foot lake
2 ) tying it to my fathers truck by a string and dragging it around

I have now completed the to do list above

I have even done more things
Such asssssssssss....

1) smashing cherries on it
2) leaving it in a tree all night
3) drop kicking it in the middle of the road
4) dragged it behind a speedboat by a rope
5)dragged it behind my fathers truck by the same rope

Now I plan to burn it at my friends party where we’ll burn all our copies

My copy of thisbook no longer exists because I stabbed it repeatedly with a machete and lit it on fire . THE ENND MWAHAHAHAHA