A review by estherfilbrun
A Different Kind of Courage by Sarah Holman


A Different Kind of Courage is the kind of book that sticks with you for a long time. Not only are the historical characters very realistic, but William is someone that it’s easy to connect with. When his mother died, he left Boston, bound for England. Now, four years later, he’s coming back—hoping to prove to his father that he is worth something. Boston isn’t the same as it was when he left, though, as hatred toward the British is increasing daily.

As more British troops move in to calm the Americans, William watches as many of his friends become deeply involved in the Whig movement, some turning into  key leaders. His father believes he’s still a staunch Tory, and treats him as such, but William isn’t sure. He understands the reasoning behind the rebellion, but after seeing how his father’s trade will be affected by the revolution, he wants to stay on the loyalist side. Then he meets a spunky, courageous girl who while working for a Tory, is secretly taking the latest British plans to the Whigs. When her life is in danger, can he get her to safety—and, more importantly, can he decide which side to be on? If he does resolve to help the Whigs, will he be disowned—or worse?

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