A review by emilyob
Welcome To Orphancorp by Marlee Jane Ward

I'm adding this, even though I just read the sequel, [b:Psynode|34118457|Psynode|Marlee Jane Ward|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1486284691s/34118457.jpg|55150960].
And what I want to know is why aren't you sci-fi, futurist loving diversity-loving readers all over this book?
This book is slightly horrifying, strangely beautiful and unabashedly queer. And, for a non sci-fi-loving, non-futuristic-dystopia-loving type, it was bloody good. I mean, it won awards here in Australia. For a reason.
It's short, but it's quite a ride.
Get on it!
(Oh, and I suspect there will be a third book, too.)
(I don't rate YA books because what kind of *hole YA writer judges other YA writers? Out loud, anyway? But if I wasn't, there'd be, like, all kinds of stars.)