A review by aboutthatstory
A Hunger Like No Other by Kresley Cole


A Hunger Like No Other was absolutely thrilling! It was intense, entertaining, and drama-filled. I loved all the emotion, humor, and passion between Emma and Lachlain and the off-the-charts chemistry they shared. There was an excellent push and pull between them as their feelings grew and they came together. It was so exciting to read!

I loved the undeniable desire and fierceness between Lachlain and Emma. I loved watching Emma grow from a timid girl to a seriously kick-ass woman who owned who she was. There were so many fantastic scenes between these two with clever dialogue, I couldn’t get enough. I loved learning about the Laykae and how they find their mate, and Lachlain’s pursuit of Emma.

The story moved at a great pace and had a phenomenal build. There was never a time I wanted to put it down. I loved the fun moments that were laced throughout the story as well as the emotional ones. I loved all the details of the Immortals After Dark world, the lore, all the different factions and politics, and the rich history it's steeped with. It was all so fascinating. I enjoyed all the characters that were introduced and am thrilled to find out where it all will go. The Valkyrie women were priceless, I love their individual personalities and the wit they brought to the story. I liked meeting Lachlain’s brother and friends and hints of what's to come.

This story is what I love about PNR. The intensity, the drama, the entertainment value, and the passion mixed with a seriously extensive and detailed world to lose yourself in. This series is my new addiction.