A review by lauroberge
Decked with Holly by Marni Bates



This kept me up much later than I should've, but it was pretty awesome.

It's such an amazing book to read around Christmas (or anytime, when you're like me). It takes place on a cruise during winter break and it has a very charming rock star, which makes it the perfect cutesy novel.

I liked the plot of this story, even though it's not exactly an original one. It shows a realistic side of celebrity and I thought seeing Holly pushed into this was really interesting. Her ability to act whenever she had to made me laugh and surprised me a lot, because she's suprisingly good. The rumors created by her relationship with Nick were as impossible as the ones I read sometimes, so it was nice to have an insight on the celebrity life for once.

The thing I disliked about this book was probably Holly's character, because she was just horrible sometimes. As someone who's very nice and sweet, I do like to read about sassy characters who say everything they want, but when characters just say mean things for fun, it's just something I can't understand or appreciate. Nick was all but nice to her sometimes, but she would get all her claws out and act as though he had just told her that he wanted her dead. Obviously, she becomes nicer as the story goes, but at first, I couldn't stand it. She crossed the line between sassy and bitchy, at least in my opinion.

In the end, this was a pleasant book, although not one of my favourites.